Both inside the criminal justice system and outside – resources exist for individuals who want to set things right in their life. The problem is… connecting an individual on the “inside” to a sure path to success when they are on the “outside”.
We aim to fill this important (and often overlooked) gap – between being released from the criminal justice system and the resources of a supportive community one needs for success. We partner with staff and volunteers inside jails and prisons to identify inmates who desire change and stability. We then pair these individuals with a Christian mentor on the outside who will minister with care, guidance, and support during the entire release process.

Penpal & Mentor
Provide friendship, support, and hope in Jesus Christ to an individual during their prison term. Write letters and visit regularly in jail.

Assist in creating a sound, personalized re-entry plan within 6-12 months of release from prison. Connect with helpful community resources.

Pursue key resources from the plan together – immediately upon release. Establish a supportive relationship in a local church.

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 8081
Fresno, CA 93747
EIN # 87-2275172
To Give By check, send your gift to:
Central Valley Connect
P.O. Box 8081
Fresno, CA 93747